Our House Dogs!


A Boston Terrier puppy sitting on a patterned carpet, wearing a collar with a tag labeled "Rocco."


Boston Terrier dog lying in grass with a curious expression.
Close-up of a Boston Terrier puppy standing on grass.

When you come to see us, you may encounter our house dogs, Rocco and Ruby! They are both Boston Terriers and they can provide comfort and joy to all of us in the office and to our patients. Both will not be with us every day, but they may make an appearance in the office during your visit. How could you not love that?

Interested in a Boston Terrier?

Would you like a Boston Terrier? Support our local and regional breeders of this fantastic companion breed! This dog and breed were chosen for this clinical environment for the affection, love and comfort they give to all that come into contact with them.

Learn More about them at the AKC: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/boston-terrier

Blue Ridge Boston Terriers: https://www.facebook.com/people/Blue-Ridge-Boston-Terriers/100061145556784/

Bradley’s Bostons: https://www.facebook.com/bradleysbostons/

We recognize that some people are opposed to breeding when there are great dogs in need of loving homes. We understand and also charitably support our local Humane Society who have animals in need of good homes too!

Asheville Humane Society: https://www.ashevillehumane.org

In Loving Memory of Cosmo

Close-up of a pug with a wrinkled face, looking to the side, sitting indoors.