Book an appointment.
Access your records.
Pay your statement.
Online Convenience. Simplicity.
Schedule your visit.
Don’t want to call us for an appointment? No problem. You can e-mail us to set one up! However, if you have an urgent eye problem, please call the office to be properly screened. If you have a sight threatening issue or traumatic accident, please go to the nearest emergency department for definitive care.
Please note: We do not take vision insurance plans for coverage of our services. We will bill our medical insurance OR offer cash paying patients courtesy discounts.
Access your records.
Portal Access is one of the most helpful items, often overlooked by patients. With online portal access through Nextech, you have access to your medical records to download — anytime, anywhere. Most helpful for time in the office: update your medical records PRIOR to your visit. Changes? Add new medications or delete old ones. Help us! It’ll speed your appointment and make your visit quicker.
Pay your statement.
Do you have a statement you’d like to pay? You don’t have to call us or come in. You can access our secure online payment system to make any required payments for services through our online portal access. It’s easy, convenient and safe. And, it can be done after hours or anytime you’re free. Our Practice ID is: WNCEYES